
Jelly & Juice...{Grape that is}

My sweet sister-in-law in Austria had a massive amount of grapes this year.

This past weekend our family went up to help with the plentiful harvest.

I will tell you, her kitchen smelled so heavenly with all those grapes.

I had never made jelly or juice ever, so this was new for me.

After the first few batches, it got easier.

As our final day ended, I ended up with 23 liters of juice, 16 jars of jelly, and a few small jars with juice in them.

Guess what.... she still has plenty on the vine!

It's a good thing they live close, I must go back and pick what I can!

I never ever thought this would be my life... making things from scratch. :)

PS We don't have grape anything here unless we make it ourselves. All of those yummy grapes are turned into wine. That's okay, because what I made tastes just like the real deal. :)

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Tori Leslie said...
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