
A Family Reunion of Sorts

Every time we come back for a furlough, we have the opportunity to reunite with other missionaries for a time of encouragement, to be refreshed, to be challenged, and to hopefully make new and lasting friendships. I'm thankful my kids made friends this week.  They so need them and I think missionary kids just understand what each other is going through.  I also have some new missionary wives ( in Europe too!) who were a real blessing to me.

Our time spent at the missionary retreat in Branson this past June was all that and so much more!  We belong to a great group of missionaries who are all striving toward the same goal... to reach those who have never heard the Good News of the Gospel!  There were retired missionaries, new missionaries, veteran missionaries,  missionaries representing almost every continent.  

I loved hearing about all of their experiences and gleaning helpful information about being a missionary.  I learned that no two missionaries are like and that what works on a particular field may not in Croatia.  Us women were challenged to be a woman of grace.  I'm so glad that I had the chance to speak about the blessings of living and serving The Lord in Croatia.

Honestly, I may belong to a group of missionaries, but when I looked around that week...I didn't see our group name Baptist Bible Fellowship I saw so much more... People With A Burden for Others.  I am thankful for the Baptist Bible Fellowship along with our supporting church for everything they do to help our family in Croatia.  Ultimately it is The Lord and the prayers of our faithful supporters that keep us there in Croatia.  We couldn't do what we do without them all.

I love what we do...even on the hard days! 

(Hopefully pics will accompany this post soon)