Some expect more than others.
What happens when our expectations are set too high?
-Perhaps rejection
As a missionary, we have expectations of how our furlough will go, how long it will take to raise our support, and when we will arrive on the field. Sometimes our expectations are not doable because ultimately God is in control. His timing is perfect. If we had arrived in Croatia when we expected, we would not have been able to stay long. Croatia has just suspended the visa we needed. God knew exactly when we needed to be in Croatia even though we were frustrated with traveling by that time.
I have learned in my 35 years of living not to set my expectations too high when it comes to lots of situations. I am the type that gets disappointed easily when things don't work out. I have learned that people and circumstances may let me down. When things work out...great! When circumstances go differently than expected...God has a plan and I shouldn't fret. God will never let me down.
When we arrived in Croatia, I thought for sure that we would be bombarded with phone calls on our US phone, letters, and messages saying how much we were missed. Don't get me wrong, we did receive all of the above from time to time. I have NO doubt we were missed and that many prayers were lifted up on our behalf. Friends move on and change. Maybe my expectations were set too high. You see, life did go on in Croatia and America after we left. Life got busy and I know we didn't keep in touch like we needed to. I regret that.
Furlough has been a mix of many emotions for all of us. People we loved so much died, church was different, friends changed, no one understands you or your experiences. We were having reverse culture shock. We were so excited upon our arrival. We randomly called out our favorite places as we saw them. Noah was reading signs. We were giddy beyond belief!! The newness has worn off now. Living in a foreign country changes you. You are kind of like a fish out of water. All of a sudden we are not "in the loop" anymore. I'm finding myself now making a bucket list before we leave Virginia of things I want to do and friends I want to see. I'm running out of time. My weeks are filling up quickly. I only have a month left. I am finding myself wanting to be in both places at once. I hope our friends and family know just how much we love them and hope they promise to see us in Croatia.
Croatia needs us. We have friends who are counting on us to return. The Lord is counting on us to return and continue to share the Good News of the Gospel.
So you may be wondering what am I expecting when we return? My answer is that I don't know. Eventually, we will relocate to a totally different part of Croatia apart from the many Americans we were with previously. Things will be different there. I'm sure lots has changed since we've been gone. All I know to do is take life one day at a time looking to the Lord for guidance, strength, and peace.
I hope this didn't bore you. It was just on my heart today. Please excuse the poor grammar as well. At least I'm consistent in something...and in both languages I might add. Happy Monday!
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