
It's almost Christmas!!! (wow)

I can.not.believe that Christmas is just around the corner! Really, where did our year go to? It seems like we were just digging into all of our Christmas decorations that had been stored away while we were on deputation.

Our tree is up and the house is slowly turning into a marvelous sight with signs of Christmas everywhere. This is my most favorite time of year and the kids as well. It's not about the getting and recieving, but remembering WHO this holiday is all about. I will be the first to admit that WE BELIEVE Jesus is the reason for the season.

I also believe in making memories with my kids... and yes they still believe{wink,wink}. Christmas is for having fun and I would never take that away from them. This year we are going to count down the days til Christmas with an advent calendar. I have always wanted to do this, but it never really worked out until now.

My idea:
25 stockings

25 scriptures leading up to the birth of Christ

Fun things to do:a treat, craft, something to bake or make, something to do for someone else

a Christmas movie each night: We loved watching 25 Days of Christmas when we lived in America. This year we are making our own line up. (:

This year my goal is to not STRESS OUT over Christmas. I found the neatest website here to tackle that.

I'm so glad I found these ideas this year!Hopefully you will find them helpful as well.

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