
More of HIM and less of me Monday

I have a confession.... Coca~Cola slipped into our house this weekend. I know that is a BIG no no when trying to lose weight. Perhaps I would have lost more if it were not in the house. You see, sometimes I just can't say NO, I just have to drink it! Despite the few bad food choices this past week, I still lost. Maybe it was my faithfulness to keep up with my walking... i don't know.

Anyway, I am down 1.6 lbs. Praise the Lord for His goodness.
This week I am working on:
*more water (today almost 2 liters)
*less junk (candy, chips etc.)
*more veggies and protein
*less carbs

Spiritually speaking:
* more of Jesus~ I am struggling to keep up with my personal time with the Lord. I need to make time for God and His Word. I need to give Him my best and not make Him last. It is really hard on the field since we don't have Sunday School for us adults or Ladies Bible Study. Sometime I get lost when the message is being translated, sometimes I just stop listening altogether. I am realizing how important my quiet time with the Lord is needed in order for me to grow. Even I could benefit from a weekly deeper study in His Word.

Well, I think that I have my work cut out for me this week. I am praying that He will give me the strength to do it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, girl! Love your blog! It´s so sweet! So good to see you here posting about your journey too.

You can do this with Jesus. I know you can say "NO" too. It´s important to let yourself have that free day, than get it out of your sight and mind. ;)

I am here for you. I know it´s hard in a new country, with new responsibilities and all. We are just a hop skip and a long jump away. jeje

Dani Joy