I can't belive that I our family has been living in Croatia for almost 9 months! It is so unreal to me that we have finally made it. We are enjoying our new normal and all the while still missing the old normal. Spring has sprung in our backyard orchard: 4 pear trees, 3 peach, 4 apple, 1plum, 1 HUGE cherry tree, and a local fruit here in Croatia. Our cherry tree is LOADED with bright red cherries. Needless to say... OUR house is the IT spot. Everyone wants to eat our cherries... about 10 neighborhood children and a handful of adults. Today our 60 year old neighbor Monica climbed the tree to reach cherries that we can't. LOL She is a pro at it... we are just learning. :)
Who would have thought that such a trivial thing as cherries would bring so many people into our backyard? I was on the balcony when I heard my husband witnessing to a man from down the street. Praise the Lord for every opportunity He gives us to speak of His GREAT love for them. :) I pray that our neighbors will see Christ in us and that we would do nothing to destroy our testimony for the Lord.
Missions for us is building a trusting relationship with those around us to prepare their precious hearts for the sweetness of the Gospel. They may have come for cherries, but hopefully one day they will leave with their hearts full of Jesus.
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