Our family experienced a wonderful Missions Conference last week that officially sent us on our way to Croatia. It was a wonderful time of laughing, crying (alot), and remembering our deputation experience. Saying goodbye to friends and family was the hardest thing we have ever done! God had to get us to the point of helping us remember the task at hand... getting the GOSPEL to Croatia.
Our flight began by being delayed 2 hours at Dulles airport which meant we would miss our connecting flight in Munich to Graz. Our only option was to wait a few hours in Munich and then board another plane to Vienna and then on to Graz. Despite being TIRED & WORN OUT, eveeryone made the trip well. They held our luggage also in Munich, so we did not receive it til the next day. Things could have been worse...thank the Lord for his goodness.
Jetlag is another story... it is hard convincing 3 children that it's time for bed when their body is still on US time. Oh well, this too shall pass.(:
HOME in Croatia ... 7 days. Lots of thanks to my inlaws in Austria for allowing us to stay with them for now.
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