January 21, 2010...
Outside my window... it is raining and COLD
I am thinking... about all that has to be done in order to leave for Croatia
I am thankful for... my husband who loves me even when I'm hard to get along with!
From the learning rooms... Erin is currently learning her multiplication facts & in language she is working on some creative writing assignments. Allyson is adding in arithmetic and learning more special sounds in phonics in help her to continue to read well.
From the kitchen... the kitchen is temporarily closed due to deputation
I am wearing... a blue/green warm-up suit
I am creating... scrapbooks to record our memories in
I am going... to eventually end up in Houston, Texas by Saturday (Lord willing)
I am reading... my Bible through in a year
I am hoping... and praying that we can get to Croatia by Spring- deputation is taking its toll on me
I am hearing... the kids playing quietly in the backseat and the radio on in the front
Around the house... we are not home this week, check back next week
One of my favorite things... is knowing that God loves me even when I'm unlovely
A few plans for the rest of the week: make it to each hotel safely and do our best to get school done, drive safely to Houston, Texas, attend the services at Bible Baptist Church in Brady Texas (present the burden for Croatia)
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
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