Deputation this summer was very productive and kept us out in the midwestern states almost all of our summer. We were blessed by the response from many of the churches in wanting to give us the support we need and even by the ones who couldn't. God know just which churches we need on our team, I think that is one reason why we have not lost any support yet. He has given us good churches who have been FAITHFUL. HOWEVER, that is not to say that we won't lose support because we all know things happen! Deputation has taught us to have complete FAITH in Him. It has also taught us to NEVER underestimate a church because of it's size. Some of our biggest and most faithful supporters are those small congregations!
Fall has taken our deputation out to the midwest once again. I think our car doesn't know what to do if our trip is any less than 10 hours. =) Churches have really seen the need and responded, three more churches have promised us their support! They have been so good to us!!! It is a blessing when a church shows us they care about what we are doing. One of our Missions Conferences our family received a list to fill out concerning our needs. Then each night we gave two needs to the church. When the week was over, they presented us with what we had asked for. God is so GOOD to us, He went over and beyond what we needed. A Mission Conference doesn't always happen like that, but it is a true blessing when it does!
We have two more meetings before Thanksgiving and then have a break from traveling until Christmas is over... that is unless someone calls us and we can make it!
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