We are so THANKFUL to have found the Leslie Family missionaries to Croatia! We surrendered to the field of Croatia back in 2004 not knowing of any other IFB missionary in the whole country. We were a little nervous of that fact wondering how in the world we would start a ministry there. We were just trusting that He would see us through. One night searching the internet to my surprise I Googled "missionaries in Croatia" and the Leslies website was the first in the list to pull up! That was a big answer to our prayers!! We emailed them and almost immediately heard back from them. Our families got to meet in June of 2007 and talk over lunch about our burdens for the people of Croatia. This precious family has been a great encouragement to us already and is faithfully praying for our arrival to this very needy country. How can we ever say thank you enough? Please pray for us to be able to arrive by the end of the summer.
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