Our family has been blessed with three beautiful red headed children and also the infamous attitude that goes with it! ;) I can't complain though, because they are pretty well behaved when they need to be!! We are grateful for this. You wouldn't believe how many times people say how much they love their hair and wish they had the same color. People also ask where they got their color from. I guess they can't tell that I once had red hair too, but now it's not as red :( My family has a little of the Irish heritage, my maiden name was Casey. Blessings to you today, whether you're Irish or not.
Little Irish Blessings
Our family has been blessed with three beautiful red headed children and also the infamous attitude that goes with it! ;) I can't complain though, because they are pretty well behaved when they need to be!! We are grateful for this. You wouldn't believe how many times people say how much they love their hair and wish they had the same color. People also ask where they got their color from. I guess they can't tell that I once had red hair too, but now it's not as red :( My family has a little of the Irish heritage, my maiden name was Casey. Blessings to you today, whether you're Irish or not.
BIG Blessings in TEXAS
We have been in a Missions Conference here in Bowie TX since Wednesday at Bible Baptist Church. They have been the biggest blessing to us and the other missionaries~ you can tell they have a real heart for missions. The children had a blast playing with the other MK's~ our Noah met another Noah Brown. How COOL was that!? The kids loved their gift bags with special toys and the welcome bags in our hotel room with goodies. What a blessed time we had. Praise the Lord for such wonderful southern hospitality!

We are so THANKFUL to have found the Leslie Family missionaries to Croatia! We surrendered to the field of Croatia back in 2004 not knowing of any other IFB missionary in the whole country. We were a little nervous of that fact wondering how in the world we would start a ministry there. We were just trusting that He would see us through. One night searching the internet to my surprise I Googled "missionaries in Croatia" and the Leslies website was the first in the list to pull up! That was a big answer to our prayers!! We emailed them and almost immediately heard back from them. Our families got to meet in June of 2007 and talk over lunch about our burdens for the people of Croatia. This precious family has been a great encouragement to us already and is faithfully praying for our arrival to this very needy country. How can we ever say thank you enough? Please pray for us to be able to arrive by the end of the summer.
On Monday our month long stay at the Shepherd's Bethel came to an end. We enjoyed ourself so much there in the home they provided for us! Life was lived very simply- we were only 20 minutes from Walmart, but 1 hour or more from any other shopping mall or anything. Needless to say we only went out when it was necessary! =) We also did not have a TV, which was probably a good thing. It is hard though when you are used to having one. Every Friday night we played games and watched movies on our computer and Daddy made homemade popcorn on the stove. YUM The kids favorite game was "Flashlight hide the animal"- they hid a toy from the cereal box and we turned the lights out and used the light to find it. I think everyone had fun despite not having alot of things at the house. We did get to meet lots of other missionaries there and made new friends. I will try to add the link for the Shepherd's Bethel later. Enjoy the pictures from our stay!

March Already?!
The first day of March finds me writing this blog post in the car on the way to church. We are driving 2 hours to Kentucky so the kids are watching a movie in the backseat, dad's driving, and I can't believe it is already MARCH. Where does the time go to? Well, I don't have long, well be there in 20 minutes. I hope that you all have a great day in the Lord today.
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