
"A Perfect 10"

Ms. Grace turned double digits this Father's Day!  Wow, time sure has flown by.  I am almost sure that we just brought this little bundle of joy home with us!

Like it or not, she is ten.  Anyway here are ten things we love about our Ally:

1. She is hard working- loves to clean, organize etc.
2. A diligent student
3. Not selfish and is willing to share what she has...even money. ;)
4. Loves to snuggle...since birth
5. Loves her family and friends unconditionally
6. Always wants to please those around her- unfortunately some take advantage of that.
7. She is my Target shopping buddy
8. Gives the best hugs
9. Is sensitive like her momma
10. Loves Jesus and I'm so glad she's mine!

Croatian & English Bible Study


Google translate



Google translate ( do you see a pattern?)

Reading & praying some more 

Praying that I groW from this experience.  Maybe the Lord is preparing me for something great in our future ministry in Croatia. ;)

Midwest Bound

Our family has enjoyed the missionary home the Lord has provided.  He has also allowed us to stay in Virginia and meet some new pastors as well as report to our supporting churches.  

I <3 our beautiful state...

lush and green in the summers

bursting with color in the fall

unpredictable temperatures anytime

a perfect mixture of city, country, and coastal living

The only other place I'd rather be is in my home in Croatia!  It really is HOME to us and I'm thankful that we all miss it.

...now back to the Midwest!

We definitely have many places to be on this trip...

Missouri for a week...missionary retreat (I'm speaking to ladies about the blessings and challenges of living and serving in Croatia).  How could I say no we are the only missionaries who represent our group, and finally to see a family friend.

Texas for two church meetings...not my favorite state, but we'll survive

Ohio for seven days...church meetings, loving on family (including two little nephews I have never seen)

Georgia for about a week to see family, report to some supporting churches, celebrate cousins birthdays, and celebrate our country's birthday.

Then HOME!

We have lots of driving, but we are thankful The Lord lets us see this beautiful land.  

Right now I'm sitting with the kids at the indoor pool enjoying these moments as family and also remembering how much I hate elevators! :)