
Won't You be my Neighbor

We couldn't have been more blessed with the best neighbors in Croatia. Not only do they speak English... they are also friendly and very helpful when we are in need. The kids are slowly making friends in our neighborhood, sadly though we mainly have big boys on our street. No girls for Erin and Ally to play with and no "little guys" for Noah. :(

However, last week a little boy by the name of Matej saw us in the driveway and said "hi". He is about 8 years old and very sweet. He came to our house about three days in a row to play! Poor guy must be bored with just grandpa at home. He didn't care that he was playing with girls, he was just glad to have company! LOL

Today our neighbor across the street, Zlatko, said that his son wanted to come over and meet our kids. He speaks good English and..... ummm..... is 12 years old! Well, our oldest GIRL is only 9!! He was very nice though, he and his dad came over and brought us chocolate. The kids played Creationary (Noah calls is Croatianary). I think they had fun, but I think he realized playing with girls is no fun.

Oh well, it sure is fun meeting new folks here and trying to be witnesses of Him. I think that Zlatko is really interested in what we are doing here in Croatia. Before he left he asked us what our plans were while we are here. Kevin got to tell him a little of what we are currently doing. I'm convinced that missions is ministering to people one by one and building strong, trusting relationships. Zlatko is in need of a friend, I'm glad that Kevin can be his friend. He has already asked Kevin if He wants to go biking.

Well, this is enough for tonight. We are hosting an evangelist next week in our home and I need to be busy getting things ready for him. Also Easter is just around the corner and there are things I want to do for the Gypsy kids. We are also planning an Easter Egg Hunt for our neighbor kids at our house. So lots to do and running out or time. Happy Spring, it's beautiful in our "neck of the woods".


A Wonderful Day in Zagreb

Today our church went to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia to pass out tracts and also John & Romans booklets. This was the first time our kids have ever done anything like this. My girls were a bit shy in the beginning asking people to take the booklets. As the day went on they got a little braver. I told them that the Lord would be happy in how many OR how few they gave out. NUMBERS is not important. What is important is that the Word of God was put into many Croatians hands by ALL of our team.

Ally told me when it was over,"This is much harder than my math class!" I would have to agree. Many people don't want to hear about the Gospel. Lots of people refused the Gospel today and many told us they were Catholic. What remains is that they are still lost. One lady told me today in English that she is a faithful Catholic and has 3 Bibles at home. This is so sad tha she has the Word, but has probably never read of how she can be saved. I told one lady today that being a Baptist or a Catholic didn't matter as far as Heaven was concerned. It is the relationship that we have with Jesus Christ by putting our faith and trust in Him.

Our day ended with a trip to the Zagreb Zoo. The kids loved it and it brought back memories for Kevin and I of when we came over on our survey trip 5 years ago.