I know it's been a while, but things have been so hectic around here! My last post left us in Texas, but since then we went home then up to Maryland, down to Texas AGAIN and then back HOME. My Honey did all of that crazy traveling while we caught up on a little school. That's the only thing about homeschooling... deputation
really has a way of messing up your schedule!
Ohio came next on our list of to dos where we had two really great meetings both promising us support. This new support brings us up o 74%! YAY!! We are planning to leave at 75% so we can get there and begin learning the language and trusting the Lord to supply the rest when we get to the field. We have heard that some churches wait until the missionary gets there to begin support. I sure hope that is what they are waiting on. (:
We've been to Ohio and back home, then Georgia to visit family and now we are back in Ohio again. Is your head spinning yet?! It would be nice if we could work one state at a time, but most of the time that is not how it works out!): We had an unexpected meeting tonight which was a blessing! The church wants to take on more missionaries so please pray that we might be one of them.
The end of this part of our journey will take us to Kansas and finally Pennsylvania before we come home. Hopefully the first part of the summer we can devote to the daunting task of inventorying our storage unit so that we can ship it to Croatia. I have heard that it's so much FUN! JUST KIDDING!!! More like a thorn in your flesh, but I can't part with memories, so they must come with.
Who said missionaries lives were boring. Stick around us for too long and the Lord may call you as well..... we sure could use you in such a needy country! Can't wait to get there myself.