Every time Noah opens his mouth to speak, I'm always wondering what he's going say next. Lately He wants to know when we're going back to Nana's house (where we live when not on the road). Other questions include, "Is that Pastor going to get our house in Croatia?"; "Are we in Texas?"- "Yes Noah."- He says, "Oh, I like that town!"
The question/statement of the hour is, "When we get to Croatia, can they move our side beside Nana's house?" "I love Nana really a lot and Nana love me really a lot." How do you answer a question like that without feeling horrible?
Our only answer was that we would still see Nana, but not alot. We will talk on the phone and see her on the computer. =( The only life he knows is deputation, so he doesn't have his own room, home, fav seat at the table etc.
I know, I know.... I need to be strong for him and the girls. Sometimes it's hard and all I want to do is make things "normal" for them. Then.... I remember the Croatian people and how we
must go and make a normal life for them
.....Pray for us that it won't be much longer!