

The A/C is fixed, just a little cleaning needed to the outside unit. Praise the Lord for that!!

Look what was waiting for us in the breakfast room at our hotel. A waffle maker in the shape of TEXAS! Who would have ever thought to invent something like that.

While we are on the subject of food; I started a cooking and food blog the you can visit if you click HERE.


All American Girl

Allyson officially turned six years old today. I can't believe that is even possible, but sadly it is. I miss some aspects of when she was an infant...the sleeping, sweet faces, and cooing. However, I'm glad she is very independent now and is growing into a sweet young lady.

We celebrated today at American Girl in Dallas. No we didn't get a doll and all the acesories to go with it. Although, we wish we could have. We had cake and ice cream in the Bistro and they got to pick out a doll to sit with at the table. Everything was going just fine until they brought the cake out with no warning and started singing. I was so upset- I didn't have time to get my camera ready or anything. Before I knew it, everything was over! I didn't get a picture of her and her cake or video her either. When we got back to the mission house, I contacted the manager to let him know how upset I was plus the fact that the cake was stale. (I was nice about it. =) The only thing he could offer me was another cake for her in September (for picture purposes) when we are back in Texas for more meetings and our oldest daughter will be turning 8. I don't know... what would you do?

*pictures will come soon, I hope!*


The Heat Is On

We arrived in Texas yesterday at our mission house to find the a/c barely working. It was already in the 90's, so it was really hot inside. After eating dinner out, we got it to work somewhat enough to stay the night. Today, we had two services to attend and the pastor already had a hotel for us. =) We are grateful! Pray they will find out what is wrong and that it does not cost too much to fix.

All in all we had a pretty profitable day with our meetings. We have also found a new love in Texas... The Golden Chick- fried chicken and okra. Hope that you all had a great Lord's Day.


Packed with Love

The children are done with school for the summer =0) and have been looking for things to keep them busy while on deputation. Yesterday we went to Wal*Mart and picked out some things they thought our friends in Croatia might be missing. They had fun doing it and I think it helped them appreciate what they have for now anyway. We will be in the same predicament hopefully very soon joining the Leslie Family and the work in Croatia. Erin & Allyson kept saying, "You mean they can't get _____________ in Croatia?" every time we added something new. ( I almost let some of our surprises out of the bag!) We hope to mail the box tomorrow before we hit the road again to Decatur,Texas on Saturday.


GUEST BLOGGER- Erin- 7 1/2

We had so much fun petting the horses. Mom even took a picture of them. Ally wanted to ride one.