
We are moving...

I despise moving.

There is nothing fun about it. 

The only fun part is the getting there and settling in.

Moving means new beginnings and fond memories...now that is what I really like!

Where are we moving you may ask?  We are still waiting on the Lord for that, but are praying about three places specifically.

So until then...my blog will be moving.  I thought about deleting it, but there way too many memories.  Instead, I will be moving the posts and blogging elsewhere.   Fresh beginnings are my favorite thing...so here is to fond memories and starting a new.

So long for now.


Buon Giorno

Our family was able to enjoy much needed time of  rest in a little seaside town of Jesolo, Italy.  The weather was perfect...not too hot or cold, shopping was excellent!  There is not much time to share everything we did right now, so I'll leave you with a happy ending to a wonderful week!


Much needed rest...

Thankful to be getting away....just the five of us

...sand & sun
...ancient city
...new language


Awana in Croatia

I will start by saying that this is not our ministry, but that of another Baptist church in Croatia. We are so excited for the burden and vision of Petrinja Baptist church!! Please pray for Awana and how it will reach Croatian boys and girls for Christ. AWANA  has a special place in my heart!


Perfect Timing

Not too long ago a lady I was talking to at church asked me if I knew of the missionary family who lived near the border between Slovenia and Croatia. I said no, but immediately wanted to know more because she too was a homeschool mom and a mom to two girls just like myself.

  Naturally I looked her up on Facebook and sent her a message ackwardly explaining who I was and how I found her.  After a day or so I knew that I probably would never hear from her and she probably thought I was crazy! LOL

Well, finally I did hear back from her and was delighted to hear that her girls were very close in age to my daughters ages. We were making plans to meet for coffee but both got busy with life. However, this past week I ran into her just outside the store and we made plans to meet the next day.

Let me just tell you, I am so thankful for these people and the blessing they have been already.  It is really hard for kids to make friends on the mission field if they are not going to school there. My kids have struggled for five years. I am praying that this will be a beautiful new beginning for my girls. Now the only problem is moving Noah's friend Chriśtian from Sisak closer and things would be perfect!

God's timing is always perfect and He always gives us what we need, when we need it.



Well, it has been almost three months since we arrived in Croatia and I'm just now able to update you on our family.  I don't know what I was waiting for?! The perfect milestone maybe? Thanksgiving and Christmas have both come and gone and now we are in a brand new year. We have our visa, new to us vehicle that I can actually drive, and finally on Friday we received our crate full of things we collected on furlough. This crate also contained a few Christmas gifts from Nana.

Our first three months in Croatia have been good...God has been so good to us.